My New Goal
It's weird thinking that when I wrote that last blog, it was May. An entire summer has shot by us, and Jack Layton, who led the NDP to win more seats than ever before in Canadian federal elections has passed away. Boy, was I angry (about Harper, I mean). Truly, nothing ever changes in Canadian politics. We just expect and accept the stupid. It is very sad about Layton, however. I don't endorse any particular political party normally, but the guy himself had a heart and mindset that truly was for that of the people, and the incredible response of the Canadian people to his death speaks to that.
I'm not an emotional rollercoaster today, and it's probably because this hot, hot summer and working central air has left me knowingly a bit spoiled.
I've started a blog for quirky little tips that come to mind about anything under the sun, and it's called Tips from Your Mom. (Sing its title along to "Hits from the Bong" and you'll get it, girlfriend.) With this, I am creating a challenge for myself. Come up with something at least slightly useful to people a minimum of once per day. At the same time, I am challenging myself to run my thoughts off like a crazy person as usual on this, the one, the only Comma Toes Blog. I hope you'll read and subscribe to both, and if you don't, well you're not having my babies anymore. I promise to be less caustic, at least in 30% of the entries on this blog. That is how much you mean to me. Also, I am considering vlogging, if I can wrap my head around letting people see me talking to a camera without a ninja mask on. It's something I'm not sure I'm ready for, but we internuts all have to try it before we die, else we remain in the dreaded purgatory of bland internet personalities come and gone.
And before I go, here is a picture containing a part of my cat, because after all this is Nikki Commatose's blog, and ain't no Comma Toes blog without a Rico Cat.
Wear the ninja mask.
All right I will.
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