Saturday, August 28, 2010

Act XXVI, Scene ii

[weird looking customer walks up]
Customer: Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure.
Customer: Why don't you like me?
Me: I... suppose I like you about as much as I like anyone I've never met before?
Customer: No, I know you don't like me. They've told me.
Me: Sir, I don't believe I've ever seen you.
Customer: Yes you have, and you don't like me.
Me: Ok then.
[customer begins to walk away and then turns as if he's thought of something]
Customer: My name is Richard, I don't like to sound like a big shot...
Me: Uh.... okay, my name's Nikki.
Customer: I know that already.
Me: That's.... kind of creepy. [turning away to ignore scary guy]
Customer: I know.

Somebody please throw me under a bus. I think I'm done here.